Drug Abuse
“I mean, I just don’t get how you can say ‘These drugs are okay, and these drugs aren’t’” He said while staring into the orange flame of his Zippo lighter.
“Tobacco used to be okay, now it’s like you’re paying an arm and leg for the privilege of smoking.” He continued. “Booze is more accepted now than it has been in years. Pills are not only accepted but actively encouraged, as long as you’re going through the proper channels. Coffee and other forms of caffeine are almost obligations.”
“Yeah, everyone likes their chemicals.” I say, watching him work.
“Right? Then why do these bible thumping church goers get to be the ones to decide which chemicals are morally reprehensible?”
“Taxes, man. Regulations. You know? The government tells those sheep what to think and they’re upset that they’re not getting their cut.”
“Exactly. It’s all about the money, brother. Money, power, and …..-” He trailed off with glazed eyes under the depressed plunger of intravenous euphoria.
I grab my gear and get mine started.