
The Pen is...

Storm opened the newly-found exit and stepped into a hallway with another Man in a cloak in it. But this man was different, his cloak was purple and he was holding a large sword.

“So you thought that was the test huh?” The Man said

Storm turned and began to run. Only to be greeted by another man, this one holding a bow and arrow.

“Stop running Storm. If you run you die. If you fail you die. The only escape is success, and that is apparently beyond your reach.”

The man began to step menacingly closer to Storm. Storm was about to run but the man’s words haunted him.

If you run you die.

If you fail you die.

The only escape is success, and that is apparently beyond your reach.

The men kept advancing. The men began to come closer.

“If you fail you die…” Storm thought “I can’t fail I must win. For Master!”

Storm ran back through the exit into the dark room.

The pen had worked magic before it could do it again!

Storm quickly wrote the word trap on the floor. Both men entered through the door.

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