Even though Oliver’s a piano, like all partners he’s with a friend or two of mine. His most constant companion is my metrenome, Freddie.
My friendship with Freddie was pretty rocky. Perhaps it was because my piano teacher forced us together, made us spend time together at the piano. Being as stubborn as I was when I was younger, I didn’t like him at all. He was just a damper to me, I thought in my single-digit “wisdom.” But as I grew older he proved to be a great helper, always there to keep my playing in line.
He left his mark on my first upright, claiming a spot as his spot. Of course, he was willing to give a new piano a try when Oliver came. He was a little worried at first that I wouldn’t be able to handle such a piano as he, but gradually he grew to like Oliver as much as I did. They’re quite a sight, Oliver with his great sweeping form and toothy grin, and Freddie with his angular and diminutively exacting features. Nevertheless, they’re an inseperably dynamic duo.