@ Violet, I think she means physically find the father (aka, the guy who wanted sex for $800 minus a condom). You know, like track him down. That could be very dangerous tho.
I’m still hoping Ethan’s the father. Even if they used a condom (idr if they did or not) here’s to hoping it was a faulty dollar store brand condom. This prostitute needs a happy ending lol ;D
No that’s not what I meant – in the conversation Ethan asks if she knows who the father is, and she says she thinks its a guy that she had sex with. Kind of obvious, maybe insert the fact that she didn’t use a condom earlier on.
Why would she WANT to find the father??? He was just some douchebag looking for kicks without the use of a condom. He probably has gonorrhea and now her baby-if she keeps it-will be born blind from contact with her infected vagina!
I could link to a couple medical papers but it would clog up the 1024 character limit 8) and forget about tinyurl. I gots a bone to pick widdem.
Regardless, there is a practice in which erythromycin ointment is applied to the eyes shortly after birth to prevent the newborne from catching any gonorrhea from the mother.
I’m sure that whatever the outcome of this story or at least the next section, it will be thoroughly enjoyable (if not for the character >:D) to read.