The Last Tuna
I put the can on the table and sat down. I looked at it. I didn’t know how to feel. I suppose it was a fitting end to all the insanity that had happened today. The last can of tuna on Earth.
It occurred to me that not everyone could say they had been a first hand witness to an historic event. Most people lead lives of stunning mediocrity. Every high and every low, every event that inspired them or brought them to tears was truly mundane in the grand scheme of things. It was only a few people, relatively speaking, that really had lives of value. Lives worth living. Where did the tuna place me? I pictured all of my old school teachers, all my old classmates and friends, taking back everything they said. “Well, I guess he turned out all alright. He had the last can of tuna after all. That’s more than most can say. That’s not something that happens every day, you know?”
I kinda wished Daisy was there so that I could see what she thought of it. Not that I cared about her anymore. I didn’t.
I opened the can.