
Search (II)

Ethan seems to have hit him pretty hard, because next thing I know the man is knocked out cold. I pulled Ethan away before he could anything else. Nobody saw what happened, so we get in the car with the man still in the driver’s seat.

“Check his wallet,” I tell Ethan. He pushes the man over, digs into his back pocket and comes out with his wallet. He opens it up and scans the contents.

“He seems to carry around a lot of money.”

“What’s his name?” I ask. Thats the least I could know. Ethan searches for his ID and hands it to me. I look at the picture and observe it to see how my baby would look like, “Marcus.”


“His name is Marcus. He’s 25,” I read off the ID. Ethan suddenly begins to get out the car.

“Come on, we’re leaving,” Ethan demands, “he’s waking up.” Right when I am about to get out I see red and blue lights flashing behind us.

“Oh, shit, the cops!” I whisper-shout to Ethan. He’s hesitant for a moment, but moves Marcus over to the passenger seat and puts on his acting face.

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