

My mum’s gone now. She’s too much of an embarassment. Basically after that they phoned the police and Abi, Hannah and Zeke all went round my place to see if they could help. Zeke? Did you want to say something?

Alright then. Hey…this is slightly strange but anyway. As Becks’ Mum said, I was really worried for her when I heard that she was missing. ‘Coz you hear all those reports about murders and rapes and abductions on the telly but you don’t expect it to happen to someone you….well someone you’re close to. That was one long night. In the 2 years that followed all I did was think about Becks. I mean…yeah.

Go on

So we were all there talking to the police. It’s just…..words can’t describe the feeling.

So you guys were all at home while I was smuggled into a dingy motel…funness. You probably want to know what happened at the motel now don’t you. Because by now the police were looking for me. Mark and Eddie were going to have some trouble.

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