
Writers Block

Her professors had lied to her
Her study group had lied to her
“On Writing Well” had absolutely lied to her
They said Writers Block could be overcome. That it was temporary

Lies and Slander.
It had been months since she had written anything worth taking a second look at. She had pages full of half thought out story lines and characters that never really did anything.
She had no plot twists, no conflict, no climax….
At first she thought it was because she was too happy. She had no negative inspiration.
So she broke off her engagement, moved away from her friends and family, and quit smoking.
But still… Nothing.

Then she tried destruction. All the great ones had a substance abuse problems.
So she bought a carton of cigarettes, started sleeping with a bottle of Wild Turkey, and went back to getting high in the afternoon.
Again… Nothing.

Finally she gave up. Left a letter on the bed next to her body
Fifty years later they teach her work at NYU
They tell the students writers block can be overcome

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