
{Utopia} The Lost Ones

What happened to Elice, who used to be Fantasy, and where did Lane P. Grey go? I’ve been missing uselessness and thebetweenspace, not to mention Jenunique and NightMaiden. I bet they are hiding, like Wyatt Aapr, and Alexa Reed.

I’m sure wytherwings and Overlooked_Merchandise are as busy as Elice with school and life. Saint Chuck just came back, so why not you?

Where are jesteram, RadicalYellowDuck, spiderj, and heck even Kevin himself!

Kudos to those of you commenting and writing throughout the ups and downs of life.

But to those of you missing, you are not forgotten. Your tales are still read, rated, and commented on. As long as I hold you in my favorites list, your absence will be felt.

I invoke you by your pennames! Return and read, review, write! And know that you have touched our lives in some small way. We miss you.
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