
The World Through Your Eyes

It was the same dream from last night, but in all the right ways it was different. I fell asleep and waited in the darkness. It was seconds before your alarm went off but it felt like minutes. You opened up your eyes and I could see the fresh clean room exactly the same as last night. Every picture in it’s place you are in them, I picture me next to you.
You get up and brush your teeth, examining your body, like you do every morning. It is a body I have fallen in love with, even if you weren’t my type once. Now, when I am awake I miss your smile the way I see it now in the mirror. You are my dream.
Your days are boring like mine, spent at a desk job. I understand few words said or the documents you look at all day. What I know, I know from your actions. You are honorable and compassionate. After work we go to see your girlfriend. I feel sick, but you do not. I wish to be her, to feel you next to me.
I wake up in my cluttered American apartment. I wonder if I will ever meet you, after all I have your address.

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