
Going for a Ride

”Mr. Taylor, you’re a vision in green!”

Steve paused the DVD player playing Say Anything.

“You know the old guy’s wearing more white than green. He should have said he was a vision in white.”

Maddie looked up. “Hate to break it to you but he’s mostly in green. Your TV just sucks.”

Steve grunted. “So what are you up to today anyway?”

“I think I’m gonna finally try to ride a horse. You know get out there and get my gallop on,” Maddie said.

“You realize you have never even seen a horse in person or been to the shack thing…whatchamacallit…the stables.”

“I know but you have to live. You know, like grandpa’s last lecture to us about here today, gone tomorrow and so on.”

Steve shrugged and said, “I’m not my sister’s keeper, just try not to kill yourself.”

Maddie started for the door as she tried to coax her crazy hair into an old riding helmet.

“I wonder if I can manage to get to the stables under the radar – without Mom seeing me and all.”

Steve ignored his sister and clicked the movie back on.

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