Wow, pretty nice dialogue there, with a twist at the end.
I can’t really phrase properly how I feel about this ficly. I just… like it. I can’t describe it but I just like it. A lot. You’ve earned my followship. :)
This is reality. And reality is often harsh, not all sweet and lovely like many movies or TV shows would try to make you believe. Then again, you’ve got a lot of mindless shit being made out there too.
Sorry, ’bout the unnecessary tangent. Your writing is awesome. And I like the mum because she has her responsibility, meets it, and also lives in reality.
Man, this is so weird. On one hand, I love the concept. On the other, the last sentence seemed a bit too sudden. But back on the first hand, I love the last sentence because of it’s variation on the typical ,“I love you!” I’m gonna go try to settle out which side of my brain should win this one. For now, great job!
Ouch, the brutal truth of unplanned parenthood. A nice job juxtaposing her tender concern and care and I would assume genuine love with the reality of the regret he embodies.
I literally said, “Oh. Crap.” aloud when I finished. The relationship with the mother/kid is kind of odd; I’ve never heard of a parent drawing a Batman on a cast or feeling his/her summer was ruined by a kid breaking a leg. But the dialogue is good and the theme is realistic. Good piece.
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