
Caeloöpticon XVIII

Then turned brave Fortiss to the woman who
From all her malefactors he had saved,
Addressing her, saying the following:
“Are you all right, ma’am? We’ll get a doctor.”
The lady, struck from speech by those brave acts,
As never having witnessed such before
Due to the lack of virtue among men
With any sort of sway in those events,
Thus took a moment to answer his words:
“Why, thank you, both of you; I’m quite all right,
I’ve just a couple scrapes and scratches here.
The two of you arrived before it got
Worse than it was, and as it could have been.”
Now Fortiss noted that Goodfellow had
Acquired a new sparkle in his eye
That manifested whenever he set
His gaze upon the newly savèd one.
“I think,” said Fortiss, standing down
His weapon, “We’ll escort you to the base.”
The three of them walked by the buildings brown.

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