
Caeloöpticon XX

The officer misliked the stated goals
Of Fortiss, so, angry, he stompèd off
And made designs to strip great Fortiss of
The powers which to him had been invest,
But he did not get far, for lo! a bomb,
Which, masquerading as a piece of mail
Intent on being signèd by his hand,
Was opened, triggered, and then exploded,
Did end the life of the corrupt Marine.
The men who bribèd him were scoundrels all,
And wanted cuts of his increasèd pay,
But he refused and tried to hid the cash,
Though his attempts worked not, and netted death.
The base was cleared, and Fortiss was released
From any taint or smear from evil source
And the Marines looked up to his brave ways.
When several local weeks had passed the gangs
Did tremble at the mention of his name,
And in short order, he did reign supreme,
And Perurere F was not the same.

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