Red Cheeks
There’s only so much family
I can take in one vacation
I need to ration them out
So I hit the slopes
Swish, swoosh, stop
Skiers like gulls
Fly side to side
Dip behind hills
Appear over the crests
Watch the other skiers
Smaller and smaller
The lift nears the top
Slide from the seat
Swish, swoosh crash!
Acrobatic moves keep me upright
Someone looked up at me
A red nose under goggles
Eyes belong to Vic!
“Excuse me, my apologies”
“Oh hello Kate”
He remembered my name!
“Fancy meeting you here”
My cheeks grew red
Not from the wind
“Would you ski with me?”
We were like gulls
My nose grew red
Redder than my cheeks
The wind did not burn them
As much as my heart for him