
Teenager-- Why Me

Jakob frowned slightly, watching me as I took in his condition with worried eyes. Jakob was older than me, not by much, just a few months, and it’s a bit obvious to say we were in love. Jakob gestured towards my teeth with his bound hands—he wanted me to untie him. I did, and then he untied his feet and undid the gag.

His broken ribs were already healed. No fair. But, then again, he had gone wolf younger, and had learned more about it. Whenever I moved I winced. A steel door slammed open, and only then did I take notice of where we were. IN some type of cave, covering with steel, no windows whatsoever, just cages, bubble and chains.

Lots of chains.

The person who strode into the room after the slam was obviously important. His gaze skipped past Edward, past Danny, past Nick, past Sawyer, to Jakob and then landed on me.
He gave two short, sharp whistles, and instantly there were three scientists ready to do as he ordered. I could hear him loud and clear as he demanded Jakob and I be taken out…

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