
Teenager-- Oh No

But the humans’ next shot was true. It hit Jakob’s shoulder, and as I gaped at him in utter fright, his legs buckled ‘neath him and he crashed beside me.

I howled mournfully, dragging myself forward to Jake’s side. His eyes were glazing over, and he was panting desperatley. I had no way of knowing if this werewolf drug was going to kill him. They probably hadn’t tested it before.

When Jakob’s eyes closed I forced myself to my feet, though now my ribs hurt even more. It felt like I was dying. Was I?

No, no. Not at all… The important person’s eyes watched me for but a moment before he just motioned for my paws to be bound. He figured I didn’t need the drug. He figured it’d be easy enough to just take me out of the cage. Oh, yeah? Well, I’d show him.

His face was shocked when I leaped for the first man to enter our cage, and by the time the other two had their tranq guns raised I was bloody, and the man lay dead.

And I hope that important man knew this:

It was all—




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