A white Ford _Mustang_…brilliant! Sort of brings Constantine to mind, but this is wildly different and just as good.
a delightful point of view. i wonder what the fate shall be of those children…
Ahaha, a Ford Mustang! That is awesome! An elementary school, huh? This has great promise!
Also, welcome to Ficly!
no, welcome back! ford mustang, cleverly witty. and my last thoughts.. noo not the kids! but then again, kids can be most vile.. :P
I thought I recognized the name, but when I tried to check the Ficlets archive, I couldn’t find him.
Wow. This was really good. I remember the horsemen from Charmed.
Wow. This was really good.
I remember the horsemen from Charmed.
Well a white Ford Mustang is certainly going to draw a lot of attention, especially at an elementary school. Well done.
Well a white Ford Mustang is certainly going to draw a lot of attention, especially at an elementary school.
Well done.
Thank you all! Nice to see I’m on the right track here – I’ll see if I can avoid getting derailed. Oh, and I am indeed new to this format and community. Thank you for the welcome – this looks like a nice place to spend some time.
Thank you all! Nice to see I’m on the right track here – I’ll see if I can avoid getting derailed.
Oh, and I am indeed new to this format and community. Thank you for the welcome – this looks like a nice place to spend some time.