We forgot the Rock and Roll
You know the old adage “Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll”? It became our checklist. When we started playing together, that was the Holy Trinity of the music we played.
Eventually we got the Sex, the Drugs were easier to come by though.
But we forgot the Rock and Roll!
We’re backstage. We just played our, what was it?, our fiftieth gig since August? Jimmy is getting in a fight again with the promoter, something about his ear monitor. Karl is trying to ignore last night’s groupie and bang up the next. I sit here strumming along on the beat up guitar that was just lying around. We think “The Stripes” used it before we got here.
No one cares that the fans have been calling for an Encore for ten minutes. I’m debating on just going out there myself, no sense strumming when no one is listening.
This used to be about the Rock, and we loved to Rock.
We always said “Let’s Rock and or Roll” because you always had the option to do either or, or just both.
Stupid pricks, forget them, I’m going back on stage.