Merry Christmas, Ficly...
This is just to say a very, merry, happy, jolly Christmas to everyone on ficly…
You’ve really brightened up the last few months for me and I hope we enjoy the new year together.
I’m wishing that you all get lots and lots of great presents, eat too much turkey and write lots of new ficlys for me to read.
Not seeking comments, but in the cheer of christmas, if you comment on this ficly spreading seasons greetings or whatever message you see fit, I will donate 10p to charity until new years.
I’ll tell you what the total was after or you could just work it out.
I would ask you what charity but I think most of you are yanks (is that an acceptable name in america) so the charities are different.
Any suggestions for English charities will be appreciated.
I genuinely hope that you have a great christmas at this wonderful time of year and I hope we can help some people less fortunate with charity money.
PS I know it doesn’t seem like much but I’m not rich. Tell your friends, make me pay =D C