Oh my God….I disturbed myself writing this.
That is very disturbing….but I don’t think even Gabriel had thought of twin sisters…
Wow. I’m glad it was disturbing, cause that’s what I was looking for! Great way of taking an old saying to a new level. And like I had promised, this gets kudos for sister on sister.
Wow. I’m glad it was disturbing, cause that’s what I was looking for!
Great way of taking an old saying to a new level. And like I had promised, this gets kudos for sister on sister.
The best part was the detail about the parents not being home til 6, because they say most teenage activity occurs earlier in the day. yeah I’m avoiding even contemplating the repercussions of this.
whoops found a typo.
Wasn’t expecting this at all when you told me you were writing a story about incest! Congrats I am now scarred.
Wasn’t expecting this at all when you told me you were writing a story about incest!
Congrats I am now scarred.
Mmm.Disgustingly lovely. Perfectly wretched.
Delightful. Happy New Year.