ooh. I can’t wait for the next part – i don’t want the peasants to get ett! I am really in love with this series. I can see Juno developing in this – her indecision and lack of power over Gorm is brilliant. Well done.
This is a pretty good continuation of the series, but I’m confused by a few things.
I’m surprised that Juno has such conflicted feelings about sacrificing the villagers. This has happened before and is an obvious necessity. I can understand regretting having to do it and possibly even being sad, but “Who am I to decide?” seems a silly question and a bit melodramatic.
Also, I’m not sure what you’re suggesting at the end. That she is going to feed Therys to Gorm? Based on the display of power he gave earlier, I’m not sure how realistic an option this is. Even if she pulls it off in some manner (drugging him first or something), I fail to see her rationale for doing so.
Ooh, there’s a dastardly turn. This is quite the twisted epic here and a nice job by this cooperative writing team to come up with something really interesting.
Not Therys! He’s too good a character to be sacrificed. And I sense something between him and Juno. Maybe not anything romantic but they do care for each other.
I agree withkaellinn about Juno’s feelings and her tears just seem out of character. Juno’s a tough lass. She makes a decision and makes her peace with it. Job done. However I do like what you said about her father and his words that he passed on to Juno.