
Obsession: Scheming

“Okay, Jared. I don’t think there is a good enough explanation for this,” I finally say.

“I was looking for you after you ran off. I came here and your parents invited me in,” he says blamelessly, “they left me here to wait for you.” I don’t say anything, what can I say?

“Well, you can go now.” I point to the door. He smiles at me and walks out. I call Jueli back explaining to her what had happened.

“Okay, that goes beyond stalking,” she mutters.

“Tell me about it. There is NO possible way to get him away. Absolutely nothing, Jewels,” I remind her.

“Sure about that?”

“Uh, I’m pretty darn sure,” Silence is there for a bit until Jueli says,

“I might have a plan… are you up for it?”

“Anything.” I say excitingly.

“Well, I’ve been thinking since there isn’t a way to get him away, then why don’t you—”

“I don’t like where this is going…” I interrupt.

“Just hear me out. How about you mess with him a bit,”

“You want me to… actually be his friend.”

“Yeah, try to ruin him from the inside,”

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