This is well-written and moves the plot in a good direction, but the characterisation of Juno feels a bit inconsistent – I know the previous installment had her making the decision to sacrifice Therys, but I think it was a difficult decision – not something she would present to Gorm with such relish in that final line…
The third paragraph is very well written, and her conversation with Therys is the closest to the Juno we’ve seen in previous contributions – more of that regret combined with conviction would strengthen the feel of the piece…
Really nice in places, but a little confused – MH :)
I think Juno’s characterisation is still a little confused but that may be because we’re all a little confused about where this story is taking us. It is leading us a merry dance I’ll give it that.
I guess you’ve changed the last line since MH commented so I don’t see a problem with it.