Not all doom and gloom.
Sitting at his keyboard, the once-regularly-mirthful-now-more-often-pessimistic young man contemplates which tack this challenge will take.
He starts typing:
“Firstly I’m thankful for my immediate family this year, my brothers and my parents, who continue to give me pleasure when we infrequently gather. Conversely (or should that be inversely?), I’m also thankful for the negative, sucking, and crushing people in my life this year, because they drove me to find inner strength to not totally succumb.
I’m thankful I can create, and that I choose to, rather than destroy.
I’m thankful for friends and acquaintances, online and real-time, whom, even amidst despair manage to give me regular excuses to smile and laugh and think that everything will be alright.
I’m thankful for the arts, which inspire me constantly. I’m thankful for my life, which does the same.”
He stops and wonders if it is too morose, or simply deep.
“And I’m thankful for liquorice, which beautifies my insides and makes my tastebuds rejoice!”