Another good display of power from Therys here, I just feel that his actions undermine the impact of some of the other installments – with what you’re implying here, there are no longer any problems with the garden so the Denar will be happy, Nyci will stop having headaches and the primary antagonist of the piece so far is dead and gone. Well written, but I’m not sure where it leaves us – with all crises resolved! MH :)
All crises resolved? Hardly. You seem to be forgetting the matter of the dead Denar ward, which is a pretty severe problem. But even if all crises were resolved, all stories must come to an end.
I realise there needs to be an ending at some stage but taking into account the backstory of the herbs that other contributors have worked on to build a larger plot I felt that there was a danger this cut off that part of the story.
As for the Denar ward, I apologise for forgetting that, though I would say Juno didn’t seem concerned enough at Joshua’s death for it to be ‘severe’…
I didn’t mean to offend with my rating – just an opinion… 65%, high 3 :)
Yes, I had thought about the Juno/ward angle when I wrote it. The only thing that makes sense is that she doesn’t know Joshua was Denar, and this was done behind her back. There’s definitely plenty of fodder here for future conflict! :-)
Also, I’m not offended by your rating. You can rate whatever you choose. Your comments didn’t seem to match your rating is all.
I hope I managed to justify my rating more clearly in my second comment. I look forward to seeing where this story takes us, and shall be personally praying that when the opportunity arises I can write in another villain!
Getting rid of gorm is only the tip of the iceburg! I think the next villain is a spy who steals the herbs for some black market exchange, to sell to the Denar for a weakening of the nation. There could be war! But that’s just me. Maybe Therys himself could become drunk with power, and Juno will have to fight him for some reason. Okay enough of my musings, Intermission is over, and I’m settling in with my popcorn and drink for the rest of the tale!
I’ve used you basic idea for a sequel, Elsha and hope that you’ll join in this little story. I liked this part – very biological =D As I said before: I’m glad that Gorm is dead and that the gardens are restored but will Therys have a grudge towards Juno? Even he could become an enemy don’t you think?
YES! I freakin’ love this story! Thank you kaellinn, I was hoping someone would write this and I’m so glad you did. We can’t be killing Therys off. Not just yet anyhow…
I can’t see anything wrong with this piece. It was very well written with nice descriptions of Therys mapping out Gorms make-up. I am a little sad that Gormy’s dead but hey, maybe he isn’t either! Let’s see what happens next.
Elsha, you should totally write a sequel (if you haven’t already, I haven’t read ahead yet). You seem to have a lot of wonderful ideas for the story. And anyone else out there who wants to make a contribution should go for it. Join the party! :D