I’m with Elsha, this definitely needs a prequel. And a sequel! Wonderful descriptions and internal monologue. I see you joined several months ago but only recently started writing. Welcome aboard!
@ElshaHawk Thanks for the welcome. I like it when authors drop the reader into the middle of the action and explain things as they go along. Not sure where this one goes, though.
@kaellinn18 I used to use Ficlets and had honestly forgotten about Ficly until yesterday when I was in the mood to write some shorts.
Love the flow and pacing. Beautifully crafted. The story really hangs on that one phrase “I hope this works.” Unlike others who want a prequel, I’m rather looking forward to seeing where this goes from here. :)
Well done… Agree fully with all comments above. Good use of italics and wonderful spacing. Flowing, nice imagery, excellent vocab. Think that’s it – no issues. 5+ PREQUEL! Abby x