Hmm… not sure what to think of this one. On the one hand, the garden is now dependent on Therys, which is good. We can definitely have power plays off of that later.
On the other hand, the disappearance of Juno seems random and unnecessary. The last sentence of the previous installment says that Gorm was ripped “asunder.” This means “into pieces,” meaning that Gorm would not have had the chance to make Juno disappear (which is what I think is implied here), and he especially would not be able to speak. As Abby has already written a sequel to this, I may go back and change my last sentence for continuity’s sake, but it’s a bit vexing to have to do so.
I was following on from the last sentence of the installment before yours, in which Juno was ‘grabbed by a vine’ – I felt I could use this to create a new way for the plot to go? So I hope it’s not too random, and unneccessary, well… Sorry for that!
And as for Gorm, these really were only his very final moments, and I felt he was powerful enough to have something left in him – that speech is his dying breath…
Didn’t intend to vex anybody, sorry if I have done so… MH :)
@MH you haven’t vexed anyone dear, this is a nice send-off for Gormy (hehe, giving evil characters cute nicknames is fun).
The disappearance of Juno is maybe a little shoe horned in at the end but hey, we’ve only got 1024 characters to work with here and I think you did a good job of it.
This is turning into a bit of a oper soap! Everytime something good happens a bunch of bad things happen to ruin it all! I do love the drama :D
maybe she just stepped out for a moment.. it seemed like gorm was a weed after all.. the ’what have you done?" of discovery by the now super powered wizard..