Thanks for deleting and sequelling – we almost had a problem there! I just think it’s worth looking at some of the things you’ve written considering the previous installment… Was Nyci not there when Gorm died? Has Therys disappeared? Have the herbs even finished growing back yet?
A good installment, just think you could check it over for continuity… MH :)
hello…Nyci was not there when Therys was swallowed and she didn’t think of checking the lake (which I imagine to be pretty much hidden to the world) No…the herbs were not completely better but I will leave that to the next sequeller. The kidnapper/thief is a great opportunity and I was aiming at the whole “Therys against the world thing” I must admit that I did write this before I read MH’s piece so forgive me… Abby x
This installment creates an interesting quandary for Therys. Who does he save first? Nyci or Juno? One is the leader of her people, and the other is the (leader?) of the council and critical emissary with the Denar. Oh, the possibilities!
I have to admit that I was a little confused, like MH. I thought that Nyci was at the lake when Therys was eaten, but then it’s apparent that some time had passed since Juno went there from the castle (she was not already at the lake). It feels a little disjointed, but it does make sense. This is Ficly, so I imagine such things are going to pop up now and then, since no one wants to waste a bunch of characters writing about how someone just went inside.
I’m gonna launch a sequel to this one but I was just wondering, should we do multiple sequels? As in, one sequel to this story following Juno, one following Nyci and one following Therys?
It would help to flesh out the world, we could all play with them still just in expanded territory and one story can have multiple sequels. A little less fragmenting for our protagonists and this could give us a chance at creating some really interesting story arcs.
Also, when Gorm warned Juno that without Therys no one could protect her, are we certain Gorm meant protect her from him? (Enter shadowy, vine-laden secret foe!)
@ReynoldsEco not a bad idea but I’m not sure how practical it would be. There’s already been a little confusion with Abby and MH sequelling in quick succession so it’s maybe best to keep it going at one sequel at a time. If things get too confusing the author can always explain where their sequel fits in in the comments below.
However, this is only one person’s opinion so let’s see what everyone else thinks. Democratic voting and whatnot is the way to go on this decision.
Now then, I’m liking the kidnapping Abbey. Spicing things up a lot and poor Nyci has been a little overlooked in all the Gorm/Therys/Juno excitement that’s been going on. I understood what you meant by Therys not being found. Clearly he’s bounded off to save Juno. (Like she needs saving!)
Great job. Now on to the next sequel. This is getting exhausting! :D
Well, anyone is free to sequel any piece of the story at any time. That’s the nature of the site. Personally, though, I’ll be sticking with one thread.