

Life as I knew it had come to an abrubt end, every one I loved forgotten for there own protection.

My feet grew soarer by the second eventually I could do little more than drag myself to my destination. Where that was I didn’t know.

I kept in time to the rythm of my heart, hoping that it would conserve what little energy I had left.

My lungs felt like they were going to tear apart with every breath I took. This discomfort was bearable compared to what wpould happen if I slowed down enough for my pursuers to catch me.

1,2,3 I counted my steps as I ran I didn’t want them to be able to hear the important information I was concealing, so I continued, monotonously reciting the same three numbers 1,2,3.

A few days back I would have never thought such things could exisit, now I don’t know what I should believe, the fine line between fact and fiction became even finer.

A blood curdling scream broke the eerie woodland silence, I needed to keep moving no doubt that my inhuman pursuers already locked on my scent.

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