I Am Me
I am alive.
I am breathing.
I am confused.
I am discovering.
I am envious.
I am finding my place in this world.
I am gravitationally impaired.
I am hopeful.
I am intrigued.
I am jubilant.
I am known to many, understood by few.
I am light-hearted.
I am me.
I am noticing more.
I am overjoyed.
I am perplexed
I am questioning everything.
I am reciting the alphabet to myself so I don’t look like an idiot and miss a letter.
I am spontaneous.
I am trying my best.
I am unpredictable.
I am venturing into the unknown.
I am wondering what the hell I’m going to write for x, y and z.
I am x-raying my brain, finding out what’s there, and adding what should be.
I am yearning for something different.
I am zoning out, trying to think of a creative word for z….zizenzizenzic now try saying that ten times fast.