Oh this is good. Accomplished storytelling and an interesting new character – with hints of a Monarchist vs. Councillors civil war even? You never know…
I think the plural of Mage is actually Magi, but now I’m jusg being pernickety, it was a lovely piece… Well done! MH :)
I believe Mages is still acceptable as a plural for Mage. Magi is, however, plural for the Greek word Magus. Dragonlance uses ‘Mages’ while games like Dragon Age sport, “Magi”.. It’s all the same.
I liked the story too.
" “Things have gotten a little out of hand.”
“Out of hand? They’re kidnapping royalty! " Love this bit of dialog!!
Very good. I’m glad you rescued me and sorry again about the latest installment – I wasn’t really happy about it myself and I promise no more twists from me.
I too enjoyed your dialogue and personally I would say “magi” but I think “mages” is valid.
Oh stop apologising Abby, you’re contributions are all great, including the last one and just because we said there are a lot of twists doesn’t mean we’re not allowed any more.
This is awesome. I’m glad this is branching out to encompass more than just the few characters we’ve created thus far; now we’re not nearly as constrained in terms of narrative location. The two characters you’ve created here promise to be an interesting addition to our story. Well done!
Thanks kaellinn. The prince needs a name though (annoyingly I couldn’t think of one) so if the next sequel remains with these two then feel free to give him a name whoever sequels next :)