
New Friends

“Well, I have a map here somewhere,” Kylie says as she looks for the map in the glove box with her hands, careful to keep her eyes on the road. She finally pulls out a colorful piece of paper and hands it to me. I open it up and look at the humongous map trying to find where we are on the map.

16 hours ago I would’ve been on my way to church, but now I’m in the car with Kylie asleep with the doors locked at the service area. My eyes don’t want to open, but I have to use the bathroom. I open the car door and take the keys, so I can lock it again. God knows the last thing I need is Kylie getting high jacked.

The bathroom is close so I quickly pee and wash my hands. As I’m drying them, I get a sudden craving for something sweet. Anything sweet. I head down to a gas-station like store and look at all of the possibilities I can buy. I do have $10, can’t I buy them all?

“Skittles is the best choice,” A masculine voice says behind me. I turn around to see the cutest boy smiling at me.

“Are they now?”

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