The Brain
“Someone got it.”
“Got what?”
“The meaning of the universe. They actually got it.” Silence drags on for hours as the world has been turned upside down. Then a small voice is heard over the roar of nothing, “What do we do?”
Fans kick on as The Brain begins to ponder. A booming voice inquires, “How did this happen?”
“It appears a being called Mostly Harmless asked others to write about what they think the meaning of life or the universe is. Many answered. But only one came up with the real reason to all.”
“Why would they do this? Don’t they realize how serious this could be?”
“These ‘beings’ consider themselves something they call ‘writers’ and that’s what they do. Speculate about the world around them.” Silence ensues. The fans whir for several more hours. Then the booming voice commands, “Shut it down for further investigation.”
More hours pass. Eventually, the “writers” are deemed not to be a threat and access is granted once more to