
I have a dream, still.

There is a misconception that the issue of race and the separation of the haves and have nots is not there. That is wrong. Daily my children are called spics, and lazy and told to go back to their country. This was their country long before my ancestors got here in the latter part of the 1800’s.
I do not remember Dr. King, but I know his words. Growing up in a Chicago neighborhood as a white minority teaches you alot. I do believe that we can all live together but we need to overcome some of the bigotry that exists between people. We need to stop listening to our leaders who keep saying that there are scapegoats for our problems. Remember Hitler? He tagged the Jews, Catholic Missionaries, Nuns, the insane, infirm and the handicapped as the ills of the German people and the need to get rid of them.
As a country, the US is losing freedom everyday and nobody notices, or cares.

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