A lovely bit of action here – an interesting central character and some well-written backstory.
I would have liked to have seen a bit of motivation/psychology in there, but there’s always sequelling to pad that out – also, I dont know whether the mark could have met a more interesting death than his guards, possibly to infer his power or significance?
But hey, it works well, with lots of opportunity for sequels. And prequels, even – that could be interesting.
Thanks for the read! It’s always a challenge to get much done in so few words, and often one thing or another gets sidelined to make room. This time, it was motivation, although I had hoped that her dialogue would provide some insight. Still, glad it seems ripe for further development. Thanks again!
Well written…I enjoyed this a lot… For a stand-alone, this is very different. I would expect to find this kind of thing anywhere but in a long series.
All the same, I think it’s really good. I would enjoy some sequels although i disagree with Ed and think this is a good starting point. You could get some great character development in later and could give her a motive.
Mostly Harmless
Abby (LoA)