
All It Takes Is A Little Coaxing

I glance over at my best friend. He puts his phone back in his pocket and looks out the window. Concern fills my head. I return my gaze to the road, however. I know that Gabe doesn’t like to talk about things that upset him until he brings it up.

I turn the radio up, singing along to all the songs I know – which are quite a few. I smile as I hit almost every note in the song that is currently playing. Gabe has complimented me often on my singing abilities. I hope that singing now will cheer him up.

When he doesn’t move, I sigh and search my brain for something else. An idea comes to me and I begin rumaging around in my consol. My hand finds what I’m looking for. I put my iTouch into the transmiter and pick a song. I smile when the song starts playing through my radio. I have a good feeling about this.

Gabe shifts. He wants to sing along. I know he knows every word to this song. He begins mouthing the words, unwilling to give and. Then I start singing the words to “Fearless” by Taylor Swift and he caves.

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