
The Ultimate Chronicle- Part 27

Lincoln stood and flexed his gleaming brass gauntlets into that unnaturally white sky, observing the satisfying crackle of electric arcs jumping between the fingertips. From the corner of his goggles, he caught a slight movement in the endless disorienting void of white. Unable to gauge distance in the shapeless void of sky, he couldn’t accurately judge the size or distance of the object. Then his ears caught the distant echo.

A screeching cry of a flying pterodactyl reverberated across those endless black sands, standing the hairs on Lincolns neck. He knew it was a scout for the DinoNinjas, and that he had been spotted. His black clothing had been a sort of camouflage before, but those crackling gauntlets had given his position away. His goggle assisted eyes spotted them as they began to encircle him with the scout spiraling and screeching above:

A Tyrannosaurus-Rex, ridden by a ninja, wielding a mighty limbless oak tree as bo-staff,
a pack of Utahraptors armed with dual katanas and their ninja handler.

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