The Love Of The Crime Series - Never Look Back
A month into the season and the fields has turned up one turnip. I couldn’t imagine what this season would bring fourth, if I was to survive off of one payment of one growth I should retire before I even started. I was greatly missing the city life; walking past shops, restaurants, bowling alley all glistening in the lime light. Able to walk down the road and not bump into someone you may know. It wasn’t long ago since I was offered a position at the local sheriff station in town. Of course still holding tightly on a grudge, I decline the offer. I wonder some days if it was the right decision to do so. My dream was to become a law enforcer, to follow the steps of my father. I was never cut out to be like my grand dad, working in the fields and the local mine. I left this town to be exactly like my father; of course my father never liked that ideal. Always saying it is a work for the ones who couldn’t give a damn. If it wasn’t for my father’s untimely death I would be there, working closing with my father.