I cradled her limp body in my arms and kissed the top of her head, knowing she had already reached her Sanctuary. – this line nearly made me cry… There’s a few "I"s in the first paragraph that need capitalizing, but other than that, really nice =]
I cradled her limp body in my arms and kissed the top of her head, knowing she had already reached her Sanctuary. – this line nearly made me cry…
There’s a few "I"s in the first paragraph that need capitalizing, but other than that, really nice =]
Hmm, so a dead baby? Interesting. Other than what Someday has already mentioned, this was good.
Hmm indeed. Looked like more in English…lol. Did you actually finish the exam buddy? So…are you trying to blackmail me into writing my sequels to make you write yours? As someday said, capitalise ur I’s!! Nice writing… Abby x