
An Apology

Andy tried to sound intelligent.
He heard a fancy new phrase and he tried to show off.
Deus Ex machina
It’s a plot device where a previously intractable problem is suddenly & abruptly solved, usually with the contrived introduction of either characters, abilities, or objects not mentioned before within the storyline. It’s generally considered to be a poor storytelling technique because it undermines the story’s internal logic.
Andy thought he would write a story with a truly absurd ending. He would call it Deus Ex Machina. The ending would just end the story in a ridiculous way, he had heard this fancy new term and damn it he was going to use it! He would impress everyone. Everyone would read this, it would be the highest rated story in Ficly history. Suddenly Andy was the most popular person in school. He would walk down the street with a renewed sense of pride. He was THE MAN!
Sadly no one got the joke, probably cos it was stupid. Andy then felt like a moron. Most people hated the story and thus hated Andy!

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