I am completely enthralled. I have never been so into something, or someone, like this. Every waking moment seems to be dedicated to suffering through the day for the 15 minutes of precious time that no one else seems to notice. There isn’t even a guarantee that anything good will come of it, but I sweat and bleed for hours just to get to a certain point of the day where nothing else matters but this. This one moment seems to pass in the blink of an eye, but the endless lengths of time that drag by all are validated once it happens.
I have no idea how I got to this point, but I’m so happy I found it. A lot of the people I know don’t have anything to live for. Clock in, clock out, rinse, repeat. They have no idea what they’re missing, so blind to what is right there in front of them. The most wonderful and precious gift is laid down at their feet, and they walk over it to get to the door. If they only knew, or if only I could tell them.