This comes back up to the standard of the first piece, rounding up the piece (or at least this part of it) nicely…
I feel like you got a bit lost with the second and third stories in this chain, but with regards to this installment, it scored a solid home run – MH :)
@ElshaHawk I will certain continue to add, but I hope others here at Ficly help me finish. What attracted me to Ficly was the opportunity to have writers far better than I am help to move a story I started.
Since I don’t follow baseball, I didn’t follow all the terms you used – But what’s important is that you thoroughly enveloped us in your telling of this story. In the second paragraph, the last sentence seems to be clarifying and adding to the sentence before it, so you could actually connect them with a colon for more of an Umph while reading it :P also, “vigorous” should be “vigorously”, I do believe… Lovely story though!
ElshaHawk (LoA)
Mostly Harmless
Armando Emanuel Roggio, Sr.
Armando Emanuel Roggio, Sr.
ElshaHawk (LoA)
Blossom Ruoquen (LoA)
Blossom Ruoquen (LoA)
Armando Emanuel Roggio, Sr.