Oh dear> One of the good Classics and you did not know it b.c.b. tut.tut. A wasted childhood. Well written and sooooo obvious c-moore. Thank you for entering. And the judge has 2 children.lol
You are correct. Unlike most of the cartoons done in his honor, Pooh was actually fairly verbose. I also could not use a conversation that included an ‘oh dear’ as that was too obvious.
I am so sorry about the stuff up which occurred during the posting of the winner of “Once upon a Time” challenge (seee this as a profuse apology) You are and always will be the “WINNER” of this challenge even if the banner was ACCIDENTALLY given to someone else. Congratulations on a well penned story.
with the burden on your back(in yr piccy) no wonder you are having a bad time.(just a little light banter.) I hope you are having a great time and it will be a good year for you.