Having a stutter seems like such a difficult affliction to me. Not only is it frustrating to know what you want to say, and have your body fight against you, but in our current world where everything needs to happen now, I can see where someone would get unfairly frustrated trying to have a conversation with someone who stutters.
One of my friends in Basic Training had a stutter. The drill instructor made him the squad leader so that he almost always did the talking for the squad. It was incredibly stressful for him, but he persevered, and we all gained a great deal of respect for him. The drill instructor was purposefully testing him, and the kid didn’t even bat an eye.
I think you did a great job of showcasing what lengths people will go to hide a disability from others, and how difficult it can be, as a teenager especially, to be afflicted with any abnormality, regardless of how slight it may be.