
Butterflies like lightening

“Marc, don’t leave!” he slows enough I’m able to get in front of him. “Marcus, look at me, please” I whisper barely audible within the 12 inch distance between us. Our electricity is palpable without touching we are connected. “Do you really want me to stay?” I nod afraid speaking will ruin it. “If you want me to stay then kiss me. Right here in front of everyone. I know you want to, you have for weeks.” I look around “I’m looking for something to stand on you know you’re about a foot taller then I am,” I tease. By now we are actually touching, my fingers wrapped in his belt loops his hands securely around my waist, our hips pressed against one another “How do you know I’ve wanted to kiss you for weeks?” “Because I have wanted to kiss you for months.” I blink wishing the nagging feeling would go away, I have to say it. “You know we dont get to go back after this,” I breath leaning closer. “I wouldnt want to” he says without pause. The pressure of his lips release the butterflies of lightening thru my heart.

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