What does Quase mean por favor? But I thoroughly enjoyed this :) It has everything from action and humor to a dash of villainesque romance clasps hands and sighs
So happy I put this challenge up just because I got to read awesome stuff like this in return. I enjoyed how thoroughly casual they were about the whole situation. You tell them the building is about to implode, they tell you it’s just tuesday.
So happy I put this challenge up just because I got to read awesome stuff like this in return.
I enjoyed how thoroughly casual they were about the whole situation. You tell them the building is about to implode, they tell you it’s just tuesday.
@Blossom – Quase = Jesse Quase, the woman stepping out of the rubble. @Silven – if you want to sequel, go for it! (or anyone else) I rarely sequel my own stuff, though I will go halfsies (ie, do alternating bits).
@Blossom – Quase = Jesse Quase, the woman stepping out of the rubble.
@Silven – if you want to sequel, go for it! (or anyone else) I rarely sequel my own stuff, though I will go halfsies (ie, do alternating bits).