
The Lotus and the Swan

Rajhans, a hindu name meaning celestial swan, and Kanwal, meaning Lotus, were two teenage Indian-Americans living in the city of Hot Coffee, Mississippi. They had mutually supported each other since forever. They would laugh at each other’s jokes, become each other’s wingmen, practice their band instruments together, and even assist the other with the advanced Calculus BC homework or the ever so pesky essay on American literature.

Yes it was the double duo of brown brotherhood to last the century, and neither would hesitate to start the day by complementing the other on his incredible sexiness and ability with the ladies. However, truth be told, neither had actually accomplished obtaining a date. Ever. But, on this particular day in Hot Coffee, the parents of Rajhans and Kanwal agreed on the eventual marriage of Kanwal and the sister of Rahjans, Angoori, meaning grape, no matter how protective of a brother Rahjans was.

And so the swan ate the lotus.
(And the grape continued being a grape)

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