
Heavenly Problems

“Oh yea! My daddy can beat your daddy up!”

He should have thought hard about his response, but instead he blurted out, “Well my dad’s God!”

Jesus knew this wasn’t true, and had said it in defense in this normal, after-school fight. But, in the 1st century, there was a lack of understanding of the term sarcasm.

After a score of years, the secret came out. A goatherd overheard the Son of God and the Virgin Mary talking.

“You can’t tell them, think of the money, the fame,” protested Mary, “think of me.”

“But they really believe I can do these ‘miracles’! They expect me to turn water into wine.”

The goatherd left his goats, and ran to the Jewish leaders.

It wasn’t long before Jesus was sentenced death by cross. He could either repent or die. If he repented his family would be disgraced, and if he died he would surely go to hell, but at least some people would believe in him.

Although he seemed to be in an impossible situation, he found a third, easier way out; he rose from the dead.

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