Bickering Nerds
“Star Wars? I know that one!” Holding up his hand with all his fingers together, Josh opened up between his middle and ring fingers. “Live long and prosper!”
“Um…that’s Star Trek,” Mike said with a roll of the eyes.
“Oh. I know another Star Trek one! May the Force be with you!”
Mike snorted. “THAT is Star Wars.”
Josh just let out a low grunt. “Star Wars. Star Trek. Whatever. I’m an RP nerd, not a sci-fi nerd.”
Mike raised a brow. “You’ve got to be kidding me. You actually classify yourselves?”
Mark piped up. “No, that’s mostly just him. He’s a classifying nerd too. I remember he was classifying the pebbles on the playground back in 4th grade recess. Kyle, this big guy, just came over and scattered all the rocks and he cried!”
Josh rounded on him. “Hey! I spent most of recess separating those!”
Mark just grinned. “I know, that’s pretty bad. Funny and pathetic.”
“Hey! That’s not pathetic! It was science!”
“No, Josh-man, I’m sorry, but if a nerd finds another nerd pathetic, then he’s pathetic,” Mike teased.